Behemoth - Bartzabel
I n what mood am I today? Something from my today's experience reminded me of something in the past? Or I just remembered something and music from the past takes me back. Or I just want to listen to that song I liked once. See if you remember this one: Behemoth - Bartzabel It's a bit music takes us back but not so long time ago this time. I saw on social media that Behemoth reissues the album "Grom" after 27 years . This is a little trip back for me. Behemoth is the first band that I listened to when I looked up on internet for Satanic band. I was also surprised to find out that they are from Poland, neighboring country to Lithuania where I was born and grew up. I was listening a lot to other music and not so much searching for them but have to give them a credit, was listening more to them in the beginning, don't know all the discography and so on but at some point listened to "Satanist" album and wanted to join their private group on Facebook citing t...