Coca Cola, Mc Donald's and Javelin


Coca Cola, Mc Donald's and Javelin

One new trade mark word that I leard about a year ago is Javelin. I should probably call the title Coca Cola Zero, Big Mac and Javelin to be more precise. But given the marketing campaign that they had in the mass media it's a bit sarcastic joke.

Javelin is a single man-portable fire-and-forget medium-range antitank weapon system designed to defeat all known and projected threat armor. 

Javelin was developed and produced for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps by the Javelin Joint Venture between Lockheed Martin in Orlando, Florida and Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona.

I will not go into details on functioning and all technical characteristics which can be checked on internet, but again to my surprise when I was quite skeptical seeing some Eastern European countries ordering these weapons for their defence, they proved to be quite effective actually or very effective in some cases.

In Lithuania we have and expression "alone in field not a soldier". Man-portable weapons like this make to rethink the time proven correctness of this expression.


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