What Else?
What Else?
With the same idea, we leave the powerful and wise of this world to continue with their strategies of war operations and we continue our small acquaintance with other weapons as if I were to build an army from nothing.
Grenades are sometimes useful as well at least it seems like that watching in the films or playing in the video games. To be clear with the terms it does not refer to one type but can mean several types: "a grenade is an explosive weapon typically thrown by hand (also called hand grenade), but can also refer to a shell (explosive projectile) shot from the muzzle of a rifle (as a rifle grenade) or a grenade launcher."
Also useful to know that: "grenades work by dispersing fragments (fragmentation grenades), shockwaves (high-explosive, anti-tank and stun grenades), chemical aerosols (smoke and gas grenades) or fire (incendiary grenades)."
Also important, I suppose, to have some training as there are some funny clips going on internet of army training when grenades fall from hands and then panic and all that. It's not the same as throwing a stone or tennis ball.
For that grenade launches are invented I suppose the we can review in next article.
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