Armements Inventory Stock


Armements Inventory Stock

Nothing special here, no strategy to apply, no new technology, but it appears that in case of intensive fighting military stocks run out after one year of intensive fighting. And it is the case for the country like Russia which is very militarized and has been using a lot of old equipment which was accumulated from the times of cold war when all economy was working for the military purposes. So it is something not to underestimate.

What is important as well is to have the possibility to increase the production if necessary. It is the case of some inefficient use of resources, but after action start it may be a bit late to think about it. 

It is very important as well to have sufficient resources for production and all other to keep everything functioning as fluent as possible. We are very dependent on electricity, energy resources, water, foods. All that is something to be thought over in advance and the level of stock or substitutes to be defined.

Also to estimate that for some things the demand may go very quickly up, like for electricity generators. Again, this is the question of reasonable stock to maintain as in normal circumstances this is not necessary.


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