Pink Floyd - One Slip (lyrics) - High Hopes (Lyrics)

In what mood am I today? Something from my today's experience reminded me of something in the past?

Or I just remembered something and music from the past takes me back.
Or I just want to listen to that song I liked once.

See if you remember this one:

Pink Floyd - One Slip (lyrics)

I don't know if I am ready to talk about this today. But let's try. There are some bands which have such a solid discography that one can basically listen just to their music and be the fan of only one group. Groups like Queen, Metallica, U2  and probably Pink Floyd as well.

I don't know the group well at all and just had a recording of one album 'Momentary Lapse of Reason'. And I am not going to analyze how I got to it espacially that I don't remember all the details how I got it.

In any case things sometimes don't come easy in life, at least it is the case for me I noticed, and when they come they come with give and take at the same time and you either take them or leave them. I would probably tend to leave them unless other side shows some move, some intension, some impulse. In this case there are more chances of taking it but then again the question why this and not something else, etc.

Pink Floyd - High Hopes (Lyrics)

We are far from knowing all the answers and having all the things solved. A bit in youth nostalgic and philosophical thoughts tonight. Music does bring us back.


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